Tuesday, December 07, 2004
The New Pearl Harbor
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 09:50:40 -0800 (PST)
To: editor@northwestsun.com
Subject: ooohh, you better watch out!
Underwriters' Labs Fires 9/11 Whistleblower
Liberty Think November 17 2004
"David Ray Griffin has received confirmation that Kevin Ryan, site manager of the Environmental Health Laboratories, was fired today by the parent company, Underwriters Laboratories, apparently for writing a letter questioning certain common theories of the Twin Towers collapses to the leader of the U.S. government NIST team researching the World Trade Center events."
For background, see http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0411/S00177.htm. A related story on the WTC (black boxes found at Ground Zero) is at http://www.summeroftruth.org/groundzero.html
David Ray Griffin is the author of two books on 9/11: The New Pearl Harbor and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions. A review of the first book is posted at http://911citizenswatch.org/print.php?sid=34. It should have become mainstream news, because it asks the right questions about 9/11, but the corporate media suppresses facts. It's only a matter of time for the facts to enter the mainstream, but every moment counts.
Friday, December 03, 2004
The Evil Day - by Phil Duran
Democracy and freedom can survive only as long as they stand on honest government. Without it, no citizen can be proud, feel secure, or claim to be free. The militant Religious Right, calling itself Christian, now controls the Republican Party, and the nation's leaders seem to be firmly possessed by the same ideology and spirit of conquest. They do not care about their sacred oaths of office or what its citizens or the world think of them. They have been poised for some time to carry out their original plans, and they are doing it with disregard and impunity.
Some writers suggest that perhaps we humans don't deserve to survive in view of our tendency to destroy the planet. I must strongly disagree, for this tendency does not characterize the First Nations, who have always warned about the consequences of desecrating the Earth. The problem is that the man from Europe is still a stranger to this land we call Turtle Island and has chosen not to listen to the wisdom that was already here.
In an issue of White Bison Inc.'s Wisdom of the People Quarterly several years ago, indigenous elders responded to the question: Why did the American Indian survive? Some of the elders said it was to preserve indigenous spirituality for a future time when everyone's survival will depend on it. They also said that, before Native people can become the White Man's teacher, they must learn to "forgive the unforgivable."
In the Ojibwe prophecy of the Seven Fires, the Seventh Prophet said that the light-skinned people, whose coming was foretold by the fourth prophet, would be given a choice between two roads. "If they choose the wrong road, the destruction they brought with them will come back to them."[1]
Whatever you think about the wisdom of our elders and the knowledge retained in their stories, the time to make that choice is now.
The Wampanoags were the first to meet the new wave of immigrants from England. In response to the same question that was posed to the elders, one Wampanoag man states in a video documentary (one of many produced during the 1990s) that the American Indian has survived in order to be the conscience of America. In a way, this means that we who have always belonged by ancestry to our beloved Turtle Island and were grafted into a political democracy designed by those who are not our "founding fathers" are witnesses to events that our elders expressed intuitively and prophetically.
Indigenous wisdom has always been scorned by political leaders and clergy alike who established and have since maintained new governments and institutions on Turtle Island. Whether or not this wisdom will ever be recognized, the abuse of Mother Earth is finally resulting in a permanent backlash. In this regard, politics can only delay but cannot change what is geologically irreversible. Creator's physical laws are also spiritual and cannot be violated without consequences. They speak with their own authority.
The ecological and social systems on lands long occupied and sustained by Native peoples through their traditional ways of life have continually suffered from the imposition of a foreign culture. European immigrants looked upon Native wisdom with scorn and established a new civilization here for their own benefit, neglecting the needs of the First Nations. Now, their leaders are attacking their own people, turning them into human sacrifices. They break the commandments: Do not murder; do not steal; do not give false testimony. They work in darkness with a secret government. Because that civilization, now an Empire, is based on a philosophy of abuse of the land, violating the very laws placed here by Creator, it cannot last. Chief Sealth (Seattle) may have sensed the future state of the new nation when he said:
In the first part of his book and on his website (www.fromthewilderness.com/), Michael Ruppert, editor and publisher of From The Wilderness Publications, has presented some sobering facts about the status of the world's energy reserves, that portend a crisis that will soon have to become mainstream news. His book is also the evidence for 9/11 as a criminal case (motive, means, and opportunity).Tribe follows tribe, and nation follows nation, like the waves of the sea. It is the order of nature, and regret is useless. Your time of decay may be distant, but it will surely come, for even the White Man whose God walked and talked with him as friend to friend, cannot be exempt from the common destiny. We may be brothers after all. We will see.
Regarding the energy situation, he reports from sources that in only one hundred years, the world has used at least half of the hydrocarbons that took over millions of years to create. The dependence on hydrocarbon energy (oil and gas) is astounding. For example, 95 percent of all transportation is powered by oil. The United States contains only 5 percent of the world’s population but consumes 25 percent of the world’s energy. U.S. oil production peaked in the early 1970s, when this country became permanently dependent on foreign oil. In 2001, the U.S. was already producing 39 percent less oil than in 1970. The world’s oil crisis is a permanent condition. (Ruppert: 22-40)
The demand for natural resources also increases the threat to Indian lands, which are likely to be targeted by governments and corporations in order to satisfy the increasing demands of a rapidly growing population. Mother Earth cannot continue to satisfy such an appetite, when the world is out of balance.
The apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 6 about the need to put on the whole armor of God and be able to resist in the evil day, or the “time of evil.” This reference to evil most likely refers to any contingency that may occur in the life of the individual, not a prophetic statement about a specific future world event.
In any case, we who belong on Turtle Island by ancestry and those whom the seventh prophet said must make a choice between two roads may now be in the presence of the greatest evil we have ever known. Yet many are not even aware of it because of its deceitful and secret character. While we need to walk circumspectly and be vigilant and discerning at all times, putting on the whole armor of God, which includes standing with our feet sandaled with the readiness of the gospel of peace, I believe now is the most crucial time in history. The apostle spoke of the spiritual powers of darkness and Jesus warned his own followers that many false prophets (teachers) would arise and deceive many, implying that those who claim to be closest to him may also be deceived.
Dishonesty and deceit are under our very noses at the highest levels of government, and many Christians not only condone it, they applaud it. To illustrate: A recent Now with Bill Moyers program reported how Condoleezza Rice lied in her testimony before the 9/11 Commission, a fact that was already substantiated by Ruppert, yet instead of being prosecuted or at least reprimanded, she was promoted to the office of Secretary of State and Stephen Hadley replaces her as National Security Advisor. Hadley is the one who allowed the false statement that Iraq tried to acquire Uranium from Niger to remain in the President's speech. All of this and much more is happening right before our eyes and the nation quietly accepts it.
The malevolent picture that was once unfolding mostly in secret is now appearing in public view, and still many do not recognize it. Because I want this piece to flow through Christian channels, I have written it carefully to avoid spreading unwarranted fear or making political statements that would hinder its dissemination. My intent here is to identify two areas of great concern and point readers to the information sources, hoping they will not only read it to become informed but will also disseminate it.
The unseen world and the powers of darkness. Native peoples have always recognized and related personally to a physical and spiritual Universe. But most people are focused on events that occur in the visible world of the physical senses, paying little attention to the unseen world of spirit, which is an important part of the Universe. Evil can occur in the visible as well as the unseen world.
There are several aspects to the unseen world. One is the pristine sacredness in which it was made and is accessible through prayer, ceremony, and other acts of the heart. The second is the secret and surreal world of organized crime where bizarre and irrational things happen. The third is the busy world of evil, spiritual forces, and the powers of darkness. These worlds co-exist and are interrelated, yet most of us pay attention only to the physical world in our routine, daily lives.
There is yet another world, which is partly visible and partly invisible. It is the one portrayed by the corporate media, a world of fantasy because it hides the crimes of government, suppresses the truth, and intentionally presents false or misleading information without remorse or sensitivity. But this is how evil uses deceit. It causes us to believe what is not true; otherwise, it would not be deceit. Evil often looks beautiful on the outside.
We know that “our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens” (Ephesians 6:12), a passage of Scripture that I have known for more than four decades. But until this past year, I had not seen documented evidence of the spiritual forces actually at work in American life. Even now, I hesitate to mention it in Christian venues where so many people are conditioned to denounce "liberal" views. This situation says something about the extent to which many, but fortunately not all, Christians believe only what they hear, against the admonition to test every spirit and see if it is from God (1 John 4:1). The time to return to the quest for truth and to set aside the comfort of belief based on the good words of our “leaders” is long overdue. This aspect is also present in church culture and needs to change. It causes divisions even within families, and perhaps this is also evidence of the evil that is visiting us.
Of all the books that come to mind as essential reading for this hour, Ruppert's Crossing the Rubicon not only tops my list, it is the only one that contains a cohesive geophysical picture, the details and motives behind the 9/11 attacks, and how these issues relate to other information that the American public needs to know but is largely unaware of. This book's value must not be underestimated. It is also an educational experience that will help answer many questions about motive, intent, and the ultimate purpose behind the government's decisions.
The corporate media chooses what it wants to tell us because its first loyalty is to the corporations. To be fully informed, we must turn to independent and courageous investigative journalism. Ruppert’s website (http://www.fromthewilderness.com) has been announcing events months, and sometimes more than a year, ahead of the American corporate media. His valuable work is non-partisan. In the book, he presents only evidence that is admissible in a court of law for the criminal case (motive, means, opportunity) of 9/11 and related issues: the imminent oil crisis, covert CIA operations, money laundering, biological warfare, loss of American freedoms, widespread and shameless deceit, conquest of the American people, and how these are all related. I will not elaborate here on the items on this list. The facts are too shocking and need to be read in the context of the evidence presented in the book. By saying more here I would be presenting a fragmented picture. The documented detail, interconnections, intrigue, and analysis need to be read with the flow of the book. We are all responsible to do our part in seeking knowledge and informing others.
Dominionism: Dominion theology is defined and described by Joan Bokaer of TheocracyWatch, a project conducted at Cornell University, in a 44-minute video that can be downloaded from their site at http://www.theocracywatch.org/. The stated aims of those who follow this theology are expressed in various ways, all of which imply conquest and dominion viewed as a mandate from God: Christianize America; control the world; rule the world for God. In order to accomplish their main goal, here’s a partial list of their explicitly stated intent: dismantle government and relegate its functions to the churches, including welfare and education; eliminate church-state separation; criminalize homosexuality and adultery; eliminate public schools and replace them with church-run schools run by Christians; eliminate taxes (except the sales tax), and much more.
A Constitutional Reform Act would put God into the U.S. Constitution. The spokespersons of this theology are prominent personalities, including Jack Hayford, Jerry Falwell, Tim LaHaye, Antonin Scalia, Pat Robertson, and Tom Delay. Jesus is viewed as the avenger, whereas in the past he was the gentle Savior. President Bush's spiritual advisors, including Hayford, follow this theology. The Christian Coalition, the Religious Right, and the Republican Party are becoming synonymous terms, and the President’s mindset is squarely aligned with this theology.
Posted on the TheocracyWatch website is the following quote from Majority leader Tom Delay (R-TX): “He [God] is using me, all the time, everywhere, to stand up for a biblical worldview in everything that I do and everywhere I am. He is training me.”
How is God using Tom DeLay? Readers may recall that DeLay misused Department of Homeland Security, Federal Aviation Administration, and FBI personnel in a search for absent members of the Texas House of Representatives. He is under investigation and may be indicted by a Texas grand jury for a felony crime, in which case he still will not be required to step down as House majority leader. Three of his close associates have already been indicted in the case.
Also on that website is the following quote from Pat Robertson: "The strategy against the American Radical Left should be the same as General Douglas MacArthur employed against the Japanese in the Pacific... Bypass their strongholds, then surround them, isolate them, bombard them, then blast the individuals out of their power bunkers with hand-to-hand combat. The battle for Iwo Jima was not pleasant, but our troops won it. The battle to regain the soul of America won't be pleasant either, but we will win it." (from the book, Pat Robertson, The Most Dangerous Man in America? by Rob Boston).
Bokaer points out that Dominionism is closely related to, but not the same as, the Christian Reconstruction movement founded by Rousas Rushdoomy, whose aim was to reconstruct American society so it will conform to “Biblical law,” a key concept that Dominionists also embrace. This theology also seems to be a reincarnated form of Manifest Destiny, only this time what the immigrants from Europe did to the First Nations is being perpetrated against their own people. Please note the present tense; it is happening now.
Putting it together: The obvious connection between the theology of conquest and the actions of government mentioned earlier need to be pursued further. The theology has elements that are attractive to Christians, but I must point out two sufficient reasons for rejecting it: It is a theology of conquest and, based on evidences you will find in Ruppert’s book (although Ruppert does not discuss the theology behind motives), it supports dishonesty and deceit; the end justifies the means.
As I think of what the elders said (indigenous spirituality is being preserved for a future time), the pieces of a mystery seem to be coming together. The world's decision-makers, including those in our own government, are driven by strong belief systems. The Republican Party and the government are now controlled by ideologists committed to conquest, which explains many of the President's statements, why no one has been demoted or fired, and why he believes he can make any decision with impunity. Only another worldview can challenge this ideology, which has always been the case. I believe the only worldview and theology that can save us now is Native spirituality powered by the real Jesus, because our spiritual warfare is against counterfeit forces that are posing as Christian on a scale perhaps never before known in my lifetime. We need to reach beneath the immoral and illegal behavior and, while prosecuting it with full force, also confront the evil directly. I emphasize that our struggle is not against people but against the evil itself, however personified, including the one embedded in this dreadful theology, which was invoked in America's past to claim that Divine Providence justified American Indian genocide and the theft of Indian lands.
Before readers get upset with me for proposing a solution that invokes Yeshua (Jesus), in view of the destructive nature of Christian fundamentalism, I will only say here (hoping to elaborate in a later post) that fundamentalism is not confined to Christianity. It also exists in science. We must look beyond the facades, assumptions, and biases. If everything in the book of Revelation is fulfilled, we may be surprised about the identity of the anti-Christ, the powerful one who will deceive many. I am reminded of what the fourth prophet of the Ojibwe prophecy said: "The face of brotherhood and the face of death look the same. Do not trust them completely. They may come with weapons and suffering. The rivers will run with poison. Let them prove brotherhood."
We face a big challenge, and I would like to see other writers address this subject. I am not interested in endless theological discussions, as often happens in American culture. A Great Learning needs to occur within the Church in America, the venue where Dominionist theology is thriving. Were it not for the enormous support from the Christian Right, this country would not have invaded Iraq in the first place. What makes us think that those in control of the U.S. government ever intended to leave Iraq? We must make sure we’re not following a false teacher but the real Jesus who taught us to love our neighbor and to tell the truth, not to destroy and deceive.
Our societal and family structures seem to be fragmented more than ever. Today, many in the Church favor war while claiming that America is a Christian nation. They are deceived by rhetoric. In one of my articles, I state that a Christian America exists within the United States, which is a nation-state. Perhaps God will treat the Christian nation in America as a group entity and bring a judgment that will separate the wheat from the chaff to reveal the true and false followers. The Ojibwe prophecy is about a time of purification of the Earth, and it may begin at the seat of the Empire.
[1] For the full text of the Seven Fires prophecy, please visit http://home.earthlink.net/~phil-duran/prophecies.htm
Monday, November 29, 2004
Crossing the Rubicon by Mike Ruppert
Of all the books authored by human beings, I believe Mike Ruppert's Crossing the Rubicon is the one all Americans must read and heed in this critical hour of world history. You don't think we're living in a critical hour? Ruppert's From The Wilderness website (www.fromthewilderness.com) has been announcing events months ahead of the corporate media. Moreover, the media often chooses not to tell us what we need to know, or it misleads us, because its first loyalty is to the corporations, not the American public. That's why WE MUST turn to independent and courageous investigative journalism. In this regard, Ruppert's book and website are a God-send. Ruppert is non-partisan and doesn't pull any punches. In his book, he adheres to the standards of admissible evidence for a criminal case in presenting the motive, means, and opportunity about 9/11, the inevitable oil crisis, covert CIA operations, money laundering, biowarfare, loss of freedoms, widespread and shameless deceit, conquest of the American people, and how these are all related.
Also, read my other post in this blog about DOMINIONISM, the legitimate-sounding theology upon which the intent to control the world is based. President Bush's spiritual advisors, whose names are very well known, believe in this theology. I think I am beginning to see all of the pieces of a stupendous puzzle coming together, including the reason that the American Indian survived a holocaust and genocide: to preserve spirituality for a future time. The world's decision-makers, including those in the White House, are driven by their own belief systems, and I believe the only worldview and theology that will save us now is Native spirituality powered by Jesus, because our spiritual warfare is against forces that are posing as Christian on a scale perhaps never before known, at least not in my lifetime. The new kind of army must be led by the real Jesus who taught us to love our neighbor, not to destroy and to deceive.
Ruppert's book is now in the top .003% of amazon.com sales and his website has over 16,000 subscribers, including 36 members of Congress. Click the link below to read about the book's contents and order directly from FTW as soon as you can! Think of your family, your country, and our responsibility to future generations.
Friday, November 26, 2004
I'm not going to explain it here, just wanting to highly recommend the video and hope to generate discussion. It describes the theology of conquest, reminiscent of and closely related to manifest destiny (which is not mentioned), a concept that is well known in Indian country. This kind of theology was used to "justify" the taking of Indian lands and now seems to be the basis for a new world order. I'm disappointed, however, that the video presentation makes no mention of Westward expansion and manifest destiny, which are definitely relevant. I am a follower of Yeshua (Jesus) who also tries to walk the Red Road, and this kind of theology makes it even more difficult to identify as a Christian and to promote the true teachings of Jesus.